Part 211: 3/20: Our Piece Of The Future
Part 200: 3/20: Our Piece Of The FutureWell, everyone its time to go home.

Admin: Please feel free to post!
Admin: Ill leave this site up.
Anon: My heart aches
Anon: so it was all a dream
Music: Alleycat

Cmon, old man. Youre not gonna start throwing out sappy clichés like that all of a sudden right at the end, are you?

How suspicious!

Sojiro pulls out the probation diary Maaku handed him yesterday.

Ending (Watch this)

Music: Hoshi to Bakura to (With the Stars and Us)

The group laughs and chatters away happily.

And credits roll, starting with Katsura Hashino himself

Makoto presses play on the radio.
Music: Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There

Ryuji fits in one last bizarre and awkward misuse of the word aesthetics before elbowing Maaku.

The wind through your hair

the world at your fingertips

you stand up tall and unrestrained

march towards tomorrow

stake your claim

and ride into the unknown

Lets get to work.